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  • Writer's picturea2mason722

Trusting Science

How do we trust science?

With people like Chomsky, working with Epstein; kurzesagst, (this science education YouTube channel) being invested by the bill and Melinda Gates foundation(connected to Epstein big time); among other good seeming organizations that are spreading true/untrue/halftruths and research, it’s hard to know what’s what. I know a lot of, or most things are probably accurate but is it ok for us to listen to Atlantic/ New York Times/ Washington post/ Chomsky/ kurzesagst/ other scientists, when their bankroll is compromised? They can have amazing, clear, and accurate info but also throw in fake/ misinformation/ harmful info. I don’t know. I think we need to listen to the facts and find truth in hard times and ugly people but can that be justified with people like Epstein/warmongers? There’s also people like bob lazar and others that are discredited by the powers that be, then later proven correct. Do you guys know any other scientists out there with clean and trustworthy wallets/history?

Argument: ex. we have to use Meta, iPhone, all these terrible companies to learn/change this stuff. So therefore it is necessary to have a clear and critical mind while indeed listening and learning from these sketchy people because without them we wouldn’t be where we are.

we need to pick and choose what’s based in reality and highlight when people lie/embezzel/work w Epstein but also the truths are important and necessary to have a clear picture of reality

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